Seniors reflect on their Viking athletic careers

Hannah Burg
Women’s Basketball
What has been the highlight of your time on the team?
The highlight of my time with my team is all the laughs and smiles we had. There are so many different personalities on our team, so it was always a good time. I built a ton of relationships that I didn’t expect to be as strong as they are, and it’s been super fun to really get to know everyone.
What is your biggest motivation?
My biggest motivation is the fact that basketball can end any day at any time, and you never know when your last game or practice is. I don’t want to look back and wish I gave more or tried harder.
What advice would you give to underclassmen?
Be in the moment. Conditioning sucks, early mornings suck, long bus trips suck; there are a lot of things that aren’t fun to go through, but once it’s over, you’ll miss it. Be confident, trust the work you’ve put in and enjoy your time playing because it comes to a very sudden end. Not everyone gets the opportunity that you do, so embrace it and appreciate it.
Pedro da Rocha Borin
Men’s Swimming
What do you expect for the future of your team?
I think this team has a lot to gain in the future in terms of results. More than that, I think this team can grow a culture of friendship and support in the future.
What has it meant to you to represent Augustana?
I chose Augie, and Augie chose me, so I think this is a feeling of pride.
How long have you been competitively swimming? How does it feel as your career comes to a close?
17 years of swimming, 12 of competitive swimming. I feel really good about my career coming to an end. I think I’m ready to start a new chapter of my life.
Kate Robbins
Women’s Diving
What is your biggest motivation?
My biggest motivation throughout my diving career is the feeling of completely nailing my dive during competition or practice. It is one of the best feelings and a high I am constantly chasing at meets. It feels as though my hard work has paid off.
How long have you been competitively diving? How does it feel as your career comes to a close?
I have been competitively diving since eighth grade. I am sad about having my career come to a close but also happy and feeling fulfilled. I am beyond grateful for the opportunity I have had at Augustana. I enjoy all the memories I have made and am so happy I got to be a part of this amazing experience.
Do you have a favorite memory on the team?
My favorite team memory is winning the conference for the first time in program history my sophomore year. Going into this conference championship meet, we weren’t favored to win. At the end of each day, we were neck and neck with Mankato, our biggest rival. At the end of day four, it came down to the last relay. When we won, the place went crazy. All the boys came to watch and help us celebrate. It was a very surreal experience and something that I will always cherish having been a part of.
Cade Mueller
What lessons has college wrestling taught you that will stick with you?
It has taught me everything about life. College wrestling is full of ups and downs, and so is life. There are the highest of the highs and the lowest of the lows in wrestling, but wrestling taught me to be consistent and keep moving forward, even when you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
How long have you been wrestling? How does it feel as your career comes to a close?
I have been wrestling since I was five years old, so it is definitely going to be an adjustment for me as it comes to a close. There’s a sense of accomplishment, but it’s also very sad that I have to give up the sport that I have committed the first half of my life to.
Do you have a favorite memory on the team?
There are countless memories that I have on this team, but my favorite memory is when our team sent eight guys to the national tournament!
Meesha Montgomery
Women’s Swimming
What do you expect for the future of your team?
I expect that the team will continue to excel in both athletics and academics. Our team prides itself on how good our academics are, and I truly believe they will continue to excel in that department. For athletics, although the team is losing a large class this year, they are bringing in a strong group of freshmen next fall. These individuals will continue to help the team excel athletically —e specially the men’s swimming side, as next year will be the fifth year of the program.
What has Augustana meant to you?
Augustana as a whole has meant so many different things to me. I transferred to Augie my sophomore year and was immediately welcomed by both the athletics department and the academic departments. I have also received immense support from my team, coaches, administrative staff and professors. If I am ever struggling either with my sport or with academics, they are there to help me and make sure I succeed. Here, my team, my professors and other support staff have not just become tools to better my future; they have become my family and support system. To sum it all up into a few words, Augustana means family and excellence.
How long have you been competitively swimming? How does it feel as your career comes to a close?
I have been competitively swimming since I was four years old, so 17 years now. Honestly, it is bittersweet watching and waiting as my last meet NCAA’s approaches. I am sad because swimming has been my whole life up to this point. It has taught me lessons, built my character and given me both friends and family. It will be hard to walk away from it, but I will carry all of these lessons, memories, traits and people with me even after my collegiate career officially comes to an end.
Brady Ziemer
What lessons has college hockey taught you that will stick with you?
Sometimes you’re the bug, and sometimes you’re the windshield. Not everything will go your way, but you have a group of guys and a staff that will always have your back and be there to help you.
Do you have a favorite memory on the team?
Playing the first-ever game at Midco Arena.
What do you expect for the future of your team?
The sky’s the limit as long as we keep coming and working every day to get better.